Wednesday, December 16, 2009


What are you looking for.. what do you need? Do you want someone who will always be there to support you in whatever you do and whenever you need it? Someone who will always put your worries and problems ahead of her own? Someone who will always remind you how much you mean the world to them? Someone you can talk to about anything and everything, for comfort and security.

I know what I'm looking for. A sweet, charming, respectable guy to spend my time with. Again, he doesn't have to be "the one," just "my one" for however long it lasts. Someone who will share in my ridiculous excitement over learning a new song or making a new medley on guitar, or some other accomplishment, or someone to sit patiently through a new really awesome joke I've recently heard, then laugh politely, pretending that I'm funny so as to not hurt my fragile ego. Someone to make random pillow forts with!! (Don't ask..) Someone I can spend hours subconsciously thinking about, secure in the fact that the feelings are mutual. Okay, I'll admit at times I can be just a little bit of a handful.. alright a HUGE handful. But I am extraordinary, if you ever get to know me. =/


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