Monday, December 21, 2009

Inspired by "Wedding Dress" by Tae Yang

There's always going to be that one girl who's better. Prettier, more talented, more confident, etc. Have you ever experienced what it's like to really be into someone, then out of nowhere, another girl comes into the picture and for reasons you can't understand, he chooses her. Well, maybe you do understand the reasons but you're too heartbroken at this point to accept them. Everything was going great, you guys were happy spending time together, you made him smile and he could possibly have been falling for you.. but there's always another girl who will cross paths with you. It's completely up to him to choose, and suddenly everything you have ever felt insecure about surfaces.

Outcome 1: He chooses the other girl. They date for an excruciatingly long period of time, while you try to get over him day by day. Turns out they were meant for each other. So why was fate so cruel as to put him on your path when all along one day he was going to leave? Who knows.

Outcome 2: He chooses the other girl. They date for a few months, if even. He realizes he chose her for the wrong reasons and ends up being miserable. They break up. He tries to get back in contact with you, but you already moved on, hopefully, and found a guy who would always choose you first. But secretly you will find yourself wondering "what if.." and then remember it's not worth finding out because this new guy in your life was everything you could ever want.

Outcome 3: The same as outcome 2, except when he tries to get back into contact with you, you never moved on. But you realize that if you were to give him the second chance, you will always feel insecure that he might leave you again for another girl. History is doomed to repeat itself. So the wise choice would be to reject him and force yourself to move on. But most likely, you fell too hard the first time and no matter how much pain he caused you or will continue to cause you, you still want to be with him. Bad, bad, bad.

Outcome 4: He chooses you. =) Err.. I don't really know what happens with this outcome; I haven't experienced it yet.. (meaning: of all the guys I've ever fallen for, when another girl would enter the picture, they would always choose the other girl. Guys I've dated where there was no other girl in the picture became my boyfriends, but it always makes me wonder if there had been another girl, if they would still choose me.)

I got inspired to write about this topic after watching Tae Yang's "Wedding Dress" music video. Great song! But it reminded me of all the times when the guy I liked was with the wrong girl (in my opinion). Here's some advice for the guys out there who really care about a certain girl but are afraid that she is interested in another guy. First, tell her how you feel! Really, it's better for her to know than not. The worst thing that can happen is that she doesn't return the feelings. Then your options are to either accept that and move on, or wait it out patiently, confident that you are the best choice for her. Then time will tell. Don't wait until it's too late. When a girl likes a guy, if months go by and he hasn't made his feelings clear she will probably jump to the conclusion that he doesn't feel the same way, and will force herself to move on to another guy. Every situation has its own complications, so make your decisions wisely. Timing is very imperative and crucial, so don't make her wait too long..


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